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Dental Assistant School of Nashville Dental Assistant School of Nashville Dental Assistant School of Nashville Dental Assistant School of Nashville Dental Assistant School of Nashville

Dental Assistant Programs Open Enrollment are Nearly Full

At the Dental Assisting School of Nashville we teach, show, and give you hands on practice for the different dental assisting procedures and jobs. Enrollment is open & class is nearly full! With our dental assistant programs we believe you will get what you are looking for in a new job in the dental industry. It’s never too late to achieve your dental assisting goals in this great career!

dental assistant programs

The course is in an actual dental facility that is dedicated to the school using state-of-the art equipment. Our class size small which is perfect for giving our students the individual attention they need to further their goals to become a dental assistant.

We look forward to meeting you and offering you an excellent opportunity to learn a great career and work with a team of experienced dentists and hygienists who will train you on-site. Don’t wait any longer! Join these dental assistant graduates today and grab your additional $50 discount coupon – simply email,  call (615) 988-8484, or come visit the school today!

Dr Kellye N. Rice